Monday, September 21, 2009

Free Numerology Forecasts - Weekly Personal Forecasts

Numerologist, Carol Adrienne provides free weekly numerology forecasts based on your personal year. There is a small calculation to do first to find your 'personal year number', then Carol provides detailed forecasts for your work, love, personal goals and provides also a focus for your week.

Carol's numerology site is one of the few I have come across that has detailed personal credentials and philosophies available to read so you can form your own opinion. She also has paid life charts to purchase with a swag of positive testimonials. A good find.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Diet Astrology - Health & Diet Tips for all the Zodiac Signs

Find Your Fate, health and diet tips for all the zodiac signs is quite interesting - that is if your eyes can cope with the red text. From a medical astrologers point of view it suggests that you can identify health issues that you are likely to experience given your astrological chart.

Separated into Fire, Air and Water signs this list suggests foods to take and avoid to maintain your health and combat possible problems. A site based in India and run by Nimmi a specialist in Indian Vedic Astrology. Many other free horoscopes are available too. Worth a look to see whether it fits for you.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Cafe Astrology - Free Natal Chart

I fell across this today - Cafe Astrology, Astrologer Annie Heese.
It has all the usual daily, weekly etc as well as a few freebies.

The free natal chart is similar to others mentioned on Top100 but the good thing about it is that you don't need to supply your email address thus reducing the risk of spam heading your way.

The other appealing thing is the very small amount of advertising and that she has an 'Ask Annie' section where you can ask all your questions.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Free Birth Chart & Mini Soul Scope

John Hayes has reliable and fairly comprehensive charts, this freebie is offered as a 'taster' for his paid (25 page) birth charts and personality reports. You are required to complete the form with your birth details and a valid email address and a 12 page pdf report is emailed to you. It is good value as a freebie and my first in my hunt for the best ones on the web.

His daily, weekly, monthly
horoscopes are all still free and his site remains in my top 100.